
Rapid Re-Housing: A Proven Strategy for Quickly Addressing Homelessness by Midtown Builders




The article provides a comprehensive overview of the Rapid Re-Housing program, an intervention designed to quickly connect families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. This program is grounded in a Housing First approach, which emphasizes the urgency of providing housing to those without it, irrespective of their behavioral conditions like sobriety or treatment adherence.

Definition and Goals of Rapid Re-Housing

Rapid Re-Housing is defined as a key intervention within a community’s homeless crisis response system that rapidly connects people experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. This is achieved through a combination of time-limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services, aiming to minimize the time individuals and families spend homeless, reduce their chances of future homelessness, and connect them to community resources for long-term housing stability.

Historical Context and Effectiveness

The concept was significantly scaled up across the United States as part of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) included in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009. Evaluations of this national rollout have shown that Rapid Re-Housing is a cost-effective method in ending homelessness for a wide variety of households. Research points to its success in achieving higher rates of permanent housing placements and either comparable or lower rates of homelessness recurrence compared to other interventions like transitional housing.

Core Components

The intervention comprises three core components:

  1. Tailored Package of Assistance: Assistance is customized to meet the unique needs of each household. This could range from financial help with rent and move-in costs to housing search assistance, depending on what is most necessary for the household.
  2. Housing Identification: Services focus on helping households find suitable rental housing. This includes working with landlords, helping households apply for rentals, and ensuring that housing options align with the household’s needs and preferences.
  3. Case Management and Services: These services support households in overcoming barriers to secure and maintain permanent housing. Case managers help negotiate lease terms that are manageable for the household and connect them to further community-based support as needed.

Practice Considerations

Rapid Re-Housing practices are driven by the philosophy of providing “just enough” support to enable households to transition out of homelessness and into stable housing. This approach includes:

  • Ensuring the program is accessible to those experiencing homelessness.
  • Providing assistance based on an assessment of the household’s barriers, strengths, and housing preferences.
  • Maintaining flexibility and adaptability in the assistance provided, allowing for adjustments based on ongoing assessments of the household’s needs.

Target Populations

While Rapid Re-Housing is deemed effective for many experiencing homelessness, including those without income or with disabilities, it may not be suitable for those who are chronically homeless who may require more intensive support like permanent supportive housing. The program is particularly adept at helping those who have recently become homeless due to financial crises or other immediate barriers.

Funding and Implementation

Funding for Rapid Re-Housing can come from various sources including federal, state, local, and philanthropic funds. Implementing the program effectively requires careful planning, efficient resource management, and coordination with local housing and service providers. Key considerations include:

  • Identifying funding sources.
  • Integrating the program within existing local crisis response systems.
  • Ensuring the services are focused on rapid housing placements.
  • Developing effective partnerships with landlords and service providers to increase housing accessibility and support for program participants.


Rapid Re-Housing is positioned as a vital and efficient solution for addressing immediate homelessness crises. By focusing on rapid placement into permanent housing and providing necessary financial and case management support, it not only assists households in overcoming homelessness but also integrates them into stable living conditions, thereby preventing future homelessness. This program, through its targeted approach and flexibility, serves as a crucial model in the national strategy to end homelessness.Reach out to Midtown Builders and find out how you can implement you Rapid re-housing project today.

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